Hotsy Midwest
Cleaning Systems

(734) 762-0580
34525 Industrial Rd.
Livonia, MI 48150

Your Resource In Southeast Lower Michigan for Industrial Cleaning Equipment

Looking for Industrial-Strength Pressure Washer? Choose Hotsy , it’s what the pros use!

Hotsy Midwest Cleaning Systems is the factory-direct dealer for Hotsy pressure washers in Livonia, MI serving Detroit, Oakland, Wayne and other areas of Southeast Lower Michigan. Professionals in automotive, manufacturing, transportation, food service and many other industries have turned to Hotsy for their cleaning equipment needs.

Why Choose Hotsy?

Hotsy is the brand leader for many reasons:

  • Hotsy pressure washers are built tough with quality components, and are designed for daily use.
  • Hotsy equipment offers the most comprehensive warranty in the industry - a 7-year warranty on the pump and a 5-year warranty on the heating coil
  • All Hotsy pressure washers are ETL certified to UL-1776 standards, which means they meet stringent bid and application requirements for safety
  • Hotsy has engineered over 80 hot water pressure washer models with the trademark high-efficiency upright heating coil for maximum heat transfer
  • Hotsy models are known for their longevity. The trade-in value is typically better because the equipment holds its value

What type of pressure washer do you need?
Hotsy pressure washers are available in either hot water or cold water varieties as well as portable and stationary models. To determine which type of power washer you need, we’ll ask what you’re cleaning and where you’re cleaning it. This will help us match you with the best model for your application. We’ll go over the choices for fuel to narrow your choice and find a washer to meet your budget. When matched with Hotsy pressure washer detergents, rest assured you will have unparalleled cleaning power. To learn more about the various models, make a selection below:

We have a Hotsy washer for every industry – plus the service to back it up
Professionals in automotive, manufacturing, transportation, food service and many other industries have turned to us for their pressure washer equipment needs. At Hotsy Midwest Cleaning Systems, we service the equipment we sell. Based in Livonia, we’ll travel Detroit and the surrounding cities to discuss the equipment you need, whether a complete wash bay system or a portable gas engine washer. Using a pressure washer will save you time, energy and can reduce your labor expense. Plus, it just makes good sense to protect your investment.